
Maybe some day ...

I've been trying this keto diet out for a little over a month now. I really like it and feel awesome. I've lost about 14 lbs. and actually have energy. Weird. I've hit a plateau and I'm trying not to let my little brain convince me its not working and eat a bunch of crap. That's the usual cycle. Trying something different this time. Along with that I'm trying to work out consistently with a combination of yoga weight lifting and running. One problem: who has time for all that?  For the past few years I've registered for the Las Vegas RNR half marathon with really good intentions of training for several months leading up to the race. Every year I do not do that. Not even a little. So here it is damn near October and my ass hasn't been running. Now I'm trying to get my shit together and do some running so the half marathon doesn't end in certain death.  I'm one hell of a procrastinator. The race trainer is just one example. My college an...

The start of things

I'm a therapist, in Las Vegas. I'm a marriage and family therapist by license and master's degree (that's the most expensive piece of paper I'll ever own, I tell ya). I've landed working in drug treatment. Its kind of my favorite thing. My clients are some of the most interesting kind intelligent and genuine people I've ever met. I'm honored they allow me to be part of their story.  In fact, I've often said I meet more people that are clients that I could genuinely spend time and get along with than anywhere else. One problem: there's this thing called ethics and that means I can't hang with these awesome people. If you're thinking that it doesn't make sense that my favorite people are drug addicts and alcoholics, you might be right, but you also probably won't want to keep reading either. It's all good, it takes all kinds.  Anyway, life gets pretty rough some times. I'm the worst at taking my own advice and applying wha...