The start of things

I'm a therapist, in Las Vegas. I'm a marriage and family therapist by license and master's degree (that's the most expensive piece of paper I'll ever own, I tell ya). I've landed working in drug treatment. Its kind of my favorite thing. My clients are some of the most interesting kind intelligent and genuine people I've ever met. I'm honored they allow me to be part of their story.  In fact, I've often said I meet more people that are clients that I could genuinely spend time and get along with than anywhere else. One problem: there's this thing called ethics and that means I can't hang with these awesome people. If you're thinking that it doesn't make sense that my favorite people are drug addicts and alcoholics, you might be right, but you also probably won't want to keep reading either. It's all good, it takes all kinds. 

Anyway, life gets pretty rough some times. I'm the worst at taking my own advice and applying what I know are healthy coping and what not to my own life. Us therapists are kind of a mess. The point I'm getting at is, I've been to a therapist of my own more than a few times. I also find writing to be pretty damn cathartic so I decided to start typing out my trials and tribulations as I see fit. No one may ever read this and that's okay. If a couple people read it and someone gets something out of it that's even better. 

I don't have an exact direction for what will end up here. Sometimes I just need to get the junk out of my head and writing is a fabulous way to do so and let's face it, its cheaper than therapy. 

Some starting points: 

  • My brain is hard wired for addiction and I was lucky enough to stop doing dumb shit before it totally got control of me (full disclosure, I'm not officially in recovery and I would never disrespect those who are by saying I am) - more on this later I'm sure 
  • I'm on what seems to be a never ending quest to get fit, be a faster runner, and of course lose about 40 lbs 
  • Running is kind of a big deal to me because it's something I never thought I could do and I've now finished around 6 half marathons 
  • I've been cancer free for 7 years 
  • I've been with my guy for roughly 12 years and he finally convinced me to marry him yesterday before he left for his next over seas contracting job today (yes, I'm a marriage and family therapist who was never too keen on the whole idea of marriage) 
  • I have 3 of the best rescued fur babies a dog mom could ask for. If you don't like animals, I don't like you (sorry, not sorry) 
  • I have depression and anxiety that gets pretty gnarly at times 
  • I have a super dark sense of humor 
  • I have no idea what I'm doing with my life  


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